​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Meditation Retreats

Louisville Zen Center offers Zen retreats and other extended sittings - both in-person and online. Those who have completed the Introduction to Zen Meditation or equivalent are welcome to attend. For retreats at Heart of Perfect Wisdom Zendo, here is how to join us in-person. When attending virtually, click here for how to join us online.

Zazenkai: Day-long Extended Sitting

6:15am - 3:00pm, TBD​​​​​

Heart of Perfect Wisdom Zendo will host this all-day sitting in-person. To attend online, you must sign on to RZC Zoom. During block 3, our group leader will offer private instruction to those in-person at HPWZ as well as to those on RZC Zoom.  Email louisvillezen@gmail.com for Zoom access, questions about private instruction, or to reserve a seat at HPWZ. Part-time participation is ok, too. ​

  • 6:15 am - Block 1: zazen (35 min.), kinhin (7 min), zazen (35 min.)
  • 7:30 am  -  Breakfast, provided
  • 8:30 am - Block 2: zazen (25-25), kinhin (8), chanting (10), Zen Talk (50)
  • 10:15 am - tea break, provided    
  • 11:00 am - Block 3: zazen (30), kinhin (7), zazen & private instruction (30), kinhin (7), zazen (30)
  • 12:45 pm - Lunch break, provided
  • 1:30 pm  - Block 4: zazen (25), kinhin (5), zazen (25), kinhin (5), zazen (25)
  • 3:00 pm   - End with The Four Vows

​​Donation. We suggest non-members give $5 via PayPal for each block you attend, but any contribution, large or small, will be much appreciated. To make an ongoing commitment while supporting the mission of the Center, please consider membership.

Dates Length Location Led by Application Deadline
Sep. 6-8, 2024 2 days Chapin Mill/Zoom Ven. Trueman Taylor August 22
Sep. 13-15, 2024 2 days CZG/Zoom Sensei John Pulleyn
Sep. 28-Oct. 5, 2024 7 days Chapin Mill/Zoom Sensei Dhara Kowal September 12
Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 2024 7 days Chapin Mill/Zoom Sensei John Pulleyn October 10
Dec. 13-15, 2024 2 days Chapin Mill/Zoom Eryl Kubicka December 5
January 11-18, 2025 7 days Chapin Mill/Zoom Leader TBD December 26

​​​​​​Sesshin: Intensive Zen meditation retreat

You are also invited to participate in sesshin (intensive Zen meditation retreats) and other events led by our mother temple, Rochester Zen Center. Sesshin is offered about once a month at Rochester Zen Center, and vary in length from two to seven days with about 10 hours of zazen scheduled each day. One-to-one instruction is offered about three times daily.

You may formally join by applying to attend in-person at RZC's Chapin Mill Retreat Center or online via RZC Zoom. Part-time online participation is available, but to receive one-to-one instruction, you must attend at least two of the four blocks of sitting including one in which one-to-one is offered. You may also attend sittings informally (though without one-to-one instruction) simply by signing on to RZC Zoom before sittings begin. ​Here is the daily sesshin schedule. 

Below is a list of upcoming Rochester Zen Center sesshins. Louisville Zen Center members receive discounted rates for sesshin and other events hosted by Rochester Zen Center. Click here for more information.